Computation Lab
- PCs (PentiumIV)
- Sun workstations
- Softwares such as ABAQUS, Tecplot
Design Optimization Lab
- Workstations (HP Visualize 3000, SGI
- IBM Intel Zeon P III Server
- IBM lentellisation dual processor- PIII
- Softwares such as IDEAs, NASTRAN / PATRAN, ABAQUS
Fluid Mechanics
- Pilot plant test loop
for slurry transportation
- Pilot plant for flow rate
measurement up to 8 cusecs
- Bohlin viscometer
- Weissenberg Rheogoniometer
- Industrial Wind Tunnel
- Environmental Wind Tunnel And Low Turbulence Wind Tunnels
- Hot Wire Sets
- Wide Angle Diffuser Rigs
- Micromanometer
- FFT Analyzer
- Scanni Valve Pressure Measuring System
Impact Mechanics
- Split Hokkinson bar apparatus
- High speed camera (20,000 frames per sec)
- Digital storage oscilloscopes
Stress Analysis
- Photoelastic bench
- Moire fringe equipment
- Digital
strain meters
- Super data loggers
- Stress freezing ovens
- 25 T computerized universal machine (Zwick)
- 50T Instron machine
- 10 T and 100 T hydraulically operated universal testing machine
- Avery machines for hardness, impact, torsion and and fatigue testing.
- 250 KN and 25 KN MTS machines with facilities for mechanical testing, fracture mechanics testing and fatigue testing
Materials Science & Physical Metallurgy
- Optical microscopy and image analysis
- Spectroscopic metal analyser
- Metallography equipment
- Microhardness testers
- Induction melting equipment
- Creep testing equipment
- Furnaces
- Hardness Testers
- Wear testing equipment
- Rolling mill (lab scale)
- Dual-Xeon workstations
- Lathes
- Vertical Milling Machines
- Shaping Machines
- Drilling Machines
- Bench Grinders
- High-temperature furnaces
- Welding sets
- Finite Element Analysis : IDEAS, NASTRAN / PATRAN, ABAQUS, ANSYS, NISA
- Computational Fluid Dynamics : FLUENT, STARCD
- Non-linear analysis and plasticity : LS-Dyna, FE-Safe,
- Computer aided design and design optimization : AutoCAD, IDEAS, Hypermesh, Optishape-TS
- Mathematics : Mathematica, Matlab (with Maple)
- Plotting : Tecplot
- Data Analysis : LabView